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  • I am exploring whether there are people in the Warrenton, VA area that want to play casual pick-up soccer. If you are interested and are over 18yo, feel free to go-ahead and complete the steps below. (Note: if you are under 18yo, feel free to register, I will follow-up with forms for guardian consent to play)

    Registration is free, it costs nothing to show that you are interested to play soccer... our goal is to get 50 people interested - let's hope we get there!

    Once we have enough people, we will get the ball rolling to start a league. If you want more details, check out the FAQs and the Project Pickup plan that shows the timeline we are aiming to get 50 interested players — these details are listed further down this webpage.

    I hope to meet you on the pitch soon!

    God bless,



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Players Wanted




Players Wanted | NEW LEAGUE |



  • Once we have over 50 players registering interest to play pick-up, we will be looking at securing a location to play regular games.

    We can expect that we will not travel further than 30mins from Warrenton… ideally, the pitch will have parking, and be relatively close to town.

  • Once we have 50 players registering interest to play pick-up, we will run a poll to learn what the best time is for us to play.

    We can expect that it will be at a time outside of work hours, meaning before 8am and after 6pm. We can expect games to be scheduled rain or shine, with only storm warnings cancelling the games.

  • We can anticipate teams of 8 people on each team (7-a-side, with 1 rotating sub, and a rotating keeper). This means the cost will be divided between 16 people per game.

    This format see us rotating every 5mins, with a stopwatch alerting us to rotate goalkeeper and sub. Ideally we would like 90min games, giving us all a lot of playing time.

  • Anybody over the age of 18 years old is welcome to register their interest to play.

    This is a casual pick-up game among adults, with no referees or organized business running the league - it’s purely sports hobbie for us to play either before or after we start our work day.

  • This is a guess of under $15 per game.

    Cost is yet to be confirmed and will depend on how much the venue will charge for renting the pitch.

    We can anticipate teams of 8 people on each team (7-a-side, with 1 rotating sub, and a rotating keeper). This means the cost will be divided between 16 people per game.

  • If we get enough people to start the league, then this app will be used to manage it:


    Once we get 50 people to register, a league will be started on this app and emails sent out to all registered players. This app will be used to collect payment and share line-ups for the day.




Click-on the flyer below to download it, feel free to put it up in your church, gym, or college! Help get to 50 players registered!